Saturday, June 26, 2010


Today, I went and just groomed Sky! he was great and didnt spook once. I took him in the indoor and walked him over poles and worked on stopping. He got to when i stopped he would stop just so his shoulder was beside me which is where he should be! I didn't have to use any force. I also let him graze for 10 minutes or so. Wed when i had my lesson i did some of it outside in the outdoor. There is this killdeer that freaks out when you go by and he eggs are like right there. I was going to ride outside today but i was afraid she might attack us!

The Barn Kittens:

The Eggs:

The Bird:

Playing Hurt:

1 comment:

  1. 1. That's great that Sky is doing better! I'm so glad he's not spooking all the time. And he looks great now that he's lost his winter coat and all.

    2. The kittens are adorable.

    2. I really have a mad desire to read Old Ruff right now.
