Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pictures of Saturday!

The grass finally coming up!

Saturday the 27

I rode Sky outside today! It was a alot of fun, but he didn't want to walk, it was trot and canter all the time! He was as dirty as ever when we got there....such a pain to clean.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The past 2 weeks

a cute pic!!
A picture from days ago right before all of the snow melted.
It has been a great last 2 weeks. We have been able to ride outside a couple of times. I have also been able to ride in the long sleeved T and a vest. Its wonderful. Sky has been caked with mud though,which is a pain to clean off. Julie taped my lesson last week. We watched the one from Sptember 2009 first, and then the one from March 2010. It is amazing how much both of us have improved.